Trinity & Process Redux

41eezWqw-8L._SL500_AA300_For those interested and daring souls who can’t afford the big-bucks to purchase Greg’s PhD dissertation but would like to explore it, I’m happy to share this just over 100 page redux of it: Trinity and Process: A Critical Evaluation and Reconstruction of Hartshorne’s Di-polar Theism Towards a Trinitarian Metaphysics (Peter Lang, 1992). (If you want the briefest of summaries, pp. 43-53 will pretty much do it.)

3 comments on “Trinity & Process Redux

  1. Thank you very much Tom! It’s really hard to hand someone a 400 page book and not feel like you’re imposing on their time, but 114 pages…if they are at all interested that is imminently doable. Now, let this important work be proliferated!


    • tgbelt says:

      Yes! I’ll keep tweaking it here and there. I’d love to get it under 100 pages. Then I’d thought of doing a glossary of key terms at the end.


  2. tgbelt says:

    Just about 150 views on Scribd in 24 hours. That’s more looks than its had in the past 22 years (which might top out at a dozen or so).


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